The outdoor dining space has been defined by the beds. The beds are showcased with natural stone curbing to match the walks.

The Conceptual Design focused on softening the shelter with mass perennial plantings. It also introduced paths for foot traffic that worked with the existing architecture.

Summer blooming perennials were the focus of this display due to scheduled events during this time.

Patchy turf and a lot of concrete kept the space uninviting.

The curbing pulls off of the lines of the shelter which makes the spaces unified.

Plenty of color is in view during the hot Summer months. Strong textured plants like Russian Sage balance the softer textured Prairie Dropseed and Catmint well.

The original site had the shelter installed without any transition of grade around it.

The new Decomposed Granite walks define the space nicely and help balance of the loose texture of the perennials.

Huge color and texture provide plenty to look at while sitting in the shelter.

New flagstone walks and steps were installed to transition the grade. Perennials were installed to balance the hardscaping.